Hickman Homestead & Micro Hatchery

Silver Cream Bar Hatching Eggs

Silver Cream Bar Hatching Eggs

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
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My Silver Cream Bars were made by crossing a Splash Silverudd Rooster with Crested Cream Legbar Hens. I made sure to use hens that laid Ice Blue eggs and some that laid a minty green egg for a fun variety of egg color! This breed is super sweet and docile, mine lay an egg just about EVERY DAY! They are laying machines of BEAUTIFUL eggs! I will continue to crossbreed back and forth between Silverudds and Crested Cream Legbars to ensure amazing egg color and quality.


***Purchases are for June shipments. I am booked out until then. There is a possibility for them to ship sooner. 

*** Price is per half dozen

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